by kwgarner | Mar 8, 2017
John Lloyd Wright in Northwest Indiana Frank Lloyd Wright’s son, John, became a famous architect in his own “right”, but few people know that after his father’s tutelage, the younger Wright had his start in Northwest Indiana. As part of the federal National Register...
by kwgarner | Mar 8, 2017
Michigan City Districts: Elston Grove, Franklin Street, Haskell-Barker Historic Districts One architect famously said of Chicago “make no small plans”. Michigan City has embraced that philosophy over the last several years and their planning is paying substantial...
by kwgarner | Mar 6, 2017
Sullivan Courthouse Square Historic District National Register of Historic Places Nomination Indiana is well-known for its quant historic commercial squares, crowned by their iconic courthouses rising into the skyline to greet visitors since the mid-19th century....
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